The 5 note scale or more popularly known as the pentatonic scale is mainly consist of 5 notes for both the major and minor pentatonic respectively. The major pentatonic scale in music theory has a formula of 1-2-3-5-6 by subtracting the 4th and 7th degree on the major scale. While the minor pentatonic scale on the other hand has the formula of 1-b3-4-5-b7 by subtracting this time the 2nd and 6th degree on the natural minor scale.
Major Pentatonic Scale
- C Major Scale: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 / C D E F G A B
- C Major Pentatonic Scale: 1-2-3-X-5-6-X / C D E G A
Minor Pentatonic Scale
- A Minor Scale: 1-2-b3-4-5-b6-b7 / A B C D E F G
- A Minor Pentatonic Scale: 1-X-b3-4-5-X-b7 / A C D E G
Learning Guitar Scales Via Relative Major And Minor
It is no secret that the major scale has a relative natural minor scale and it goes vice versa. Reason why understanding the relationship of the major to the minor via concept of relatives can and will make learning the scales a lot easier, faster and more organized. So as we go back on our example again, the C major will have a relative minor which is the A minor. Suggesting all the notes and scale pattern of its diatonic scale and including the pentatonic scale will be identical because they are relatives but starting only on different root note.
- C Major Pentatonic relative minor is A Minor Pentatonic
- C# / Db Major Pentatonic relative minor is A# / Bb Minor Pentatonic
- D Major Pentatonic relative minor is B Minor Pentatonic
- D# / Eb Major Pentatonic relative minor is C Minor Pentatonic
- E Major Pentatonic relative minor is C# / Db Minor Pentatonic
- F Major Pentatonic relative minor is D Minor Pentatonic
- F# / Gb Major Pentatonic relative minor is D# / Eb Minor Pentatonic
- G Major Pentatonic relative minor is E Minor Pentatonic
- G# / Ab Major Pentatonic relative minor is F Minor Pentatonic
- A Major Pentatonic relative minor is F# / Gb Minor Pentatonic
- A# / Bb Major Pentatonic relative minor is G Minor Pentatonic
- B Major Pentatonic relative minor is G# / Ab Minor Pentatonic
Benefits Of Learning The Pentatonic Scale
The pentatonic scale is one of the most important scales to learn and be utilized in almost all genre of music especially when we are talking about pop, jazz, blues and up to the realms of rock. The 5 notes of the pentatonic scale is already more than enough to shape the way a guitar or bass player can distinctly sound and be used to create their own original composition of music.
- Knowing the pentatonic scale can greatly improve a guitar player’s lead skills and the groove of a bass player.
- Move across the whole length of the fretboard effortlessly using the 5 pentatonic scale patterns.
- Also adding a b3 or b5 note to these 5 pentatonic scale patterns will unlock the major and minor blues scales.
5 Pentatonic Scale Patterns For Guitar And Bass
Call it the CAGED System or Box Patterns, playing using these shapes will cover all the 5 notes of the major and minor pentatonic scale played in relatives. Moreover it is a systematic way of practicing on how to move up and down the whole length of the fingerboard without missing a note. Just remember when practicing in relative major and minor is what your root note is, to differentiate the major from the minor scale.
Guitar: C Major Pentatonic Scale And A Minor Pentatonic Scale (Relatives)

Guitar: 5 Major Pentatonic Scale Pattern

Guitar: 5 Minor Pentatonic Scale Pattern

Bass: C Major Pentatonic Scale And A Minor Pentatonic Scale (Relatives)

Bass: 5 Major Pentatonic Scale Pattern

Bass: 5 Minor Pentatonic Scale Pattern

Turn The Pentatonic Scale To Blues Scale
As we have mentioned earlier ago, the pentatonic scale is also the blues scale by just adding another note to the existing 5 pentatonic notes. For the major pentatonic, adding a flatted 3rd will create the major pentatonic blues scale and for the minor pentatonic, it is a flat 5th to turn it to a minor pentatonic blues scale.
Major Pentatonic Blues Scale
- C Major Pentatonic Scale: 1-2-3-5-6 / C D E G A
- C Major Blues Scale: 1-2-b3-3-5-6 / C D Eb E G A
Minor Pentatonic Blues Scale
- A Minor Pentatonic Scale: 1-b3-4-5-b7 / A C D E G
- A Minor Blues Scale: 1-b3-4-5b-5-b7 / A C D Eb E G
Guitar: C Major Pentatonic Blues Scale And A Minor Pentatonic Blues Scale (Relatives)

Guitar: 5 Major Blues Scale Pattern

Guitar: 5 Minor Blues Scale Pattern

Bass: C Major Pentatonic Blues Scale And A Minor Pentatonic Blues Scale (Relatives)

Bass: 5 Major Blues Scale Pattern

Bass: 5 Minor Blues Scale Pattern